Why screening for type 2 diabetes is necessary even in poor resource settings

Unnikrishnan, R and Mohan, V (2015) Why screening for type 2 diabetes is necessary even in poor resource settings. Journal of Diabetes and its Complications, 29 (7). p. 961. ISSN 10568727

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Screening for type 2 diabetes (T2DM) remains controversial, in spite of the explosive increase in the prevalence of the disorder and the morbidity and mortality associated with its complications. In this review, we attempt to show that T2DM is an ideal candidate disease for screening, and why screening is needed to improve clinical outcomes and prevent complications. We also suggest that screening can be made more cost-effective by adopting a targeted approach and utilizing low-cost tools. We conclude that screening for T2DM is warranted even in resource-constrained settings, and provide examples from rural India showing that such an approach is feasible with meticulous planning and judicious allocation of resources.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jdiacomp.2015.05.011
Uncontrolled Keywords:Type 2 diabetes; Screening; Cost-effective; Resource ; constrained settings; Complications
Subjects:Diabetology > Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
Divisions:Department of Diabetology
ID Code:941
Deposited By:surendar radha
Deposited On:23 Oct 2015 14:43
Last Modified:23 Oct 2015 14:43

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