Comparison of screening for gestational diabetes mellitus by oral glucose tolerance tests done in the non-fasting (random) and fasting states

Mohan, V and Mahalakshmi, M and Bhavadharini, B and Maheswari, K and Kalaiyarasi, G and Anjana, R M and Uma, R and Usha, S and Deepa, M and Unnikrishnan, R and Pastakia, S D and Malanda, B and Belton, A and Kayal , A (2014) Comparison of screening for gestational diabetes mellitus by oral glucose tolerance tests done in the non-fasting (random) and fasting states. Acta Diabetologica, 51 (6). p. 1007. ISSN 0940-5429

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AIM: The Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group of India (DIPSI) guidelines recommend the non-fasting 75-g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) as a single-step screening and diagnostic test for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). The aim of this study was to compare the DIPSI criteria with the World Health Organization (WHO) 1999 and the International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups (IADPSG) criteria for GDM. METHODS: A total of 1,031 pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in urban and rural Tamil Nadu, India, underwent a 75-g OGTT in both non-fasting and fasting states, 2-3 days apart. Venous plasma glucose was measured using an autoanalyser, and GDM was diagnosed by DIPSI, WHO 1999 and IADPSG criteria. RESULTS: Of the 83 women identified to have GDM by WHO 1999 criteria, only 23 were diagnosed by DIPSI criteria. Of the 106 women diagnosed to have GDM by the IADPSG criteria, only 24 were diagnosed by DIPSI. The DIPSI non-fasting OGTT 2-h VPG cut point of 140 mg/dl (7.8 mmol/l) had a very low sensitivity when compared to the WHO 1999 criteria (sensitivity 27.7 %, specificity 97.7 %) and IADPSG criteria (sensitivity 22.6 %, specificity 97.8 %). CONCLUSIONS: The DIPSI non-fasting OGTT criteria cannot be recommended for diagnosis of GDM due to its low sensitivity. Thus, as a single-step diagnostic test for GDM, the fasting OGTT needs to be done. When this is not possible, the well-established two-step procedure using the 50-g glucose challenge test as an initial screening test, followed by the diagnostic fasting OGTT, can be continued.

Item Type:Article
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Uncontrolled Keywords:Gestational diabetes mellitus, Fasting OGTT, Non-fasting OGTT, Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group of India (DIPSI) WHO 1999 criteria IADPSG Screening
Subjects:Diabetology > Gestational Diabetes
Diabetes Epidemiology
Divisions:Department of Epidemiology
Department of Diabetology
ID Code:884
Deposited By:surendar radha
Deposited On:25 Nov 2014 10:12
Last Modified:25 Nov 2014 10:12

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