Use of Glimepiride in Special Populations

Modi, KD and Srikanth, M and Tewari, AK and Dalwadi, PP and Sosale, B and Kundar, S and Mohan, V (2019) Use of Glimepiride in Special Populations. Journal of the Association of Physicians, 67 . p. 22.



Glimepiride, a sulfonylurea (SU), has emerged as a drug of choice due to its insulin secretagogue activity with other added benefits. As compared to other sulfonylureas, glimepiride has low hypoglycemic effects, and its use is relatively safe even in special populations of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients, such as the elderly; patients with hepatic and renal diseases; and young people with diabetes. However, SUs including glimepiride might have hypoglycemic effects to various extents, and hence, their use in these special populations should be monitored. The use of newer SUs especially glimepiride is pertinent in Indian settings because of their low cost and proven benefits. Here we discuss the use of glimepiride in special population of people with diabetes mellitus.

Item Type:Article
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Uncontrolled Keywords:Glimepiride
Divisions:Department of Diabetology
ID Code:1176
Deposited By:surendar radha
Deposited On:05 Feb 2020 14:13
Last Modified:05 Feb 2020 14:13

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